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Zero tolerance for torture, says CCPO


12th June, 2013

Zero tolerance for torture, says CCPO

By Our Correspondent
CAPITAL City Police Officer Lahore Ch Shafique Ahmed has said that incidents of illegal confinement and torture at police stations will not be tolerated and in case of any such incident the officials responsible as well as SHO concerned will be locked up in the same police station after registration of a case.
He said that no leniency will be shown to the police official showing a rude attitude to the complainants or causing problem for them as there is no room for such police officers and staff in the police force. He directed that all available resources should be utilised for eradicating crime in the city.
He said that he will pay surprise visits to police stations and stern action will be taken against the police officials guilty of corruption, misuse of power, dereliction of duty or causing problem to the citizens.
He was presiding over a joint meeting of Operations and Investigation Wings at Police Lines Tuesday. CCPO Lahore warned that SHOs responsible for delay in the registration of cases.
DIG Operations Muhammad Tahir Rai while addressing the meeting said that SHOs failing to take action against proclaimed offenders, absconders and drug traffickers will be removed. He said that lists of top 10 and top 20 criminal elements in the area of each police station have been provided to the SPs concerned and efficiency of SHOs will be monitored on daily basis which will be linked with arrest of top 10 and top 20 criminals. DIG Investigation Zulfiqar Hameed while addressing the meeting issued instructions for giving priority to timely completion of challans and arrest of proclaimed offenders, absconders and missing gang members.
(The News)

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