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Punjab plans e-command system for police


14th June, 2013

Punjab plans e-command system for police
By Our Staff Reporter
LAHORE, June 13: Punjab is preparing to introduce a new police command and control system to help overcome crime through the use of modern technology.
Dr Amanat, an expert who is stated to have got training from the UK in integrated command and control system, has been given one month to design the proposed system after his briefing to Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on it here on Thursday.
A committee headed by provincial minister Shuja Khanzada has also been formed to submit recommendations on the proposed system after consulting all stakeholders, says a handout.
A command and control centre will be set up at Arfa Karim Software Technology Park as a pilot project.
The chief minister was given various proposals for speedy implementation of the proposed system.
Shahbaz sought full utilisation of modern technology for curbing crimes and for ridding the people of ‘thana culture’.
Meanwhile, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Punjab government and a Chinese company, NORINCO International, for cooperation in energy, transport, infrastructure and other sectors.
Planning and Development Board chairman Sohail Ahmed and NORINCO International president Hu Farong signed the document.
NORINCO will extend cooperation to Punjab for setting up an industrial city near motorway M-II, launching of solar energy and irrigation projects, besides various road projects. The company will provide financing, technical expertise and other services to the provincial government.
Talks were held with NORINCO in 2009 for an underground train system in Lahore but the project could not be undertaken as the former federal government did not give a sovereign guarantee for it.
Welcoming the MoU, the chief minister has set up a special task force for promoting cooperation with the company.
(Daily Dawn)

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