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Constables Applications

9th September, 2013

Thousands apply for 195 police constable posts
MIANWALI, Sept 8: Several aspirants gathered at the Police Lines on Sunday to submit application forms for the post of police constable.
Recently, the Punjab government had allowed the Police Department to recruit constables in each district of the province.
Mianwali district police invited applications for 195 posts of constables and till Sunday morning over 7,000 application forms had been issued.
The is expected to cross 10,000 by the 10th, the last date for submission of forms. The basic qualification for the post is matriculation. Applicant Amanullah Khan, a graduate from Daudkhel, told Dawn he had been unemployed since his graduation and was tired of looking for jobs. He added he aimed at earning his bread and butter through this job.
Rehmat Gul from Bani Afghan, a graduate with a diploma in computer science, told Dawn he was left with no choice but to try his luck for a police constable’s job after failing to get a good job in the private or public sector.
Mianwali DPO Faisal Gulzar told Dawn recruitment would be transparent without intervention from any quarters, including political. He said the Punjab government had decided to send recruitment teams from other districts to make the process “crystal clear without an iota of doubt”.
(Daily Dawn)

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