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IGP khan Baig Ordered Requirments of 30 Instructors for Elite

4th September, 2013

After getting approval from the Punjab Government, Inspector General of Police Punjab, Khan Baig has ordered the recruitment of 30 Instructors for Elite Police Training School Baidyan, Lahore.
According to details, only the retired officials of Special Services Group (SSG) of Pakistan Army will be eligible for these posts. At least one Sub-Inspector, 17 Assistant Sub-Inspectors and 12 Head Constables will be inducted. Application form for the posts will be available from 20/21 September 2013. Whereas, the final list of the successful candidates will be displayed on 27th September 2013.
The retirement tenure of applicants from Pakistan Army should not be more than 5 years. These posts will be filled on one year contract basis which could be extended accordingly. The designation of these retired Instructors of Naib Sobedar will be equal to Sub-Inspector, Hawaldar equal to Assistant Sub-Inspector and Lance Naik will be equal to Head Constable. All the appointment will be made on merit and according to Punjab Police Rules. These posts will also be advertised properly in National Press.
(Handout No. 144)
Source: Director Public Relations, Punjab Police.

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