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Sethi urges police to join the tech world

Sethi urges police to join the tech world
Lahore - Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Najam Sethi said on Monday that law and order maintenance and crime control was the police’s prime responsibility at a high level meeting at the Chief Minister’s Secretariat.
Provincial Home Minister Tariq Pervaiz, Punjab chief secretary, planning and development chairman, Punjab police inspector general, home, finance, excise and taxation secretaries, chief minister’s principal secretary and other concerned official attended the meeting.
Sethi said that the police should perform its duties with dedication and that peaceful conditions were necessary for promoting foreign investment and economic activities.
He said that modern technology could help the police’s capacity building, adding that many developed countries have controlled crime through modern technology. He said that the proposed project of installation of CCTV cameras required long-term planning and the police will have to proceed under a phased programme to benefit from technology.
The chief minister also expressed satisfaction at the security arrangements during elections.
He sought a report about numbers and performance of CCTV cameras already installed in the city, maintaining that improving surveillance systems can help pre-empt crime.
The meeting also reviewed the province’s law and order situation and a briefing was given about the proposed CCTV project which would be launched in five major cities of the province.
(Pakistan Today)

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