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Traffic wardens directed to take stern action against wheelers

22nd May, 2013

Traffic wardens directed to take stern action against wheelers
RAWALPINDI: Traffic wardens have been directed to take stern action against youngsters found indulged in performing wheelies and rash driving.
Rawalpindi Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Shah said that the CTP had launched a special drive against wheelers and violators would be put behind bars.
Syed Ishtiaq Hussain Shah said that stern action was being taken against wheelers, as the activity was strictly banned in the city. Special operations would be conducted to curb the activity and traffic officers, including deputy superintendents of police (DSP), sector in-charges, beat in-charges and traffic wardens, especially those performing point duties on roads and squares, had been directed that no relaxation should be given to anyone, while cases should also be registered against the violators under Section 99/A.
The youngsters found indulged in performing wheelies and rash driving would be booked, he added. The CTO said the activity was being checked by special squads of traffic officials deputed on city roads, and that special arrangements had also been made to check the activity.
He informed that the city roads, especially the attractive areas for the activity, would be covered effectively.
He said the motorcycles and vehicles of the rules’ violators would be impounded during a special campaign.
The SP informed that traffic police officers had been directed to keep a vigilant eye on one-wheelers so that action in accordance with the law could be taken against them. app
(Daily Times)

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